Geoscience Ireland (GI) Nominates Kate Feeney for Seanad Eireann
Geoscience Ireland (GI) is delighted to have nominated Kate Feeney for election to Ireland’s Senate. Kate, a Chartered Accountant, is a former FF Councillor in Dun Laoighre Rathdown and has a keen understanding of infrastructure needs and the importance of SMEs.
The main function of the Seanad is to debate legislation proposed by the Government. Senators can also introduce their own Bills, which are debated in the Seanad and, if passed, are then debated in the Dáil. Ultimately, the role of the Seanad is to improve law making. Senators play an important role in highlighting important social and economic issues and have contributed to many significant reforms and policy initiatives.
GI is a Nominating Body for one of the Senate’s Vocational Panels – the Industrial and Commercial Panel. The electorate for the Vocational Panels are Members of the incoming Dáil, Members of the outgoing Seanad and Members of county councils and city councils. GI strongly recommends Kate Feeney as a vibrant and energetic supporter of SMEs- a cornerstone of Ireland’s sustainable economic development- and as an advocate of better infrastructure delivery.