Mining, Socio-Environmental, Metallurgical, Geological, Financial & Social Auditing of international gold mines, Mali
Mining, Socio-Environmental, Metallurgical, Geological, Financial & Social Auditing of international gold mines, Mali
Project Title
Mining, Socio-Environmental, Metallurgical, Geological, Financial & Social Auditing of international gold mines, Mali
Sub-Saharan Africa
European Investment Bank/ Government of Mali
Business Sectors
Mining & Minerals
Services (Technical Disciplines)
- International Development
- Environmental & Social Impact Assessment
- Geology & Mining Engineering
- Financial & Metallurgical Auditing
Project Objectives
To carry out a fully independent audit of the impact of gold mining on the Malian economy and to verify the metallurgical and financial accounting of the large international companies who were operating four gold mines in the country.
Our Role
Geoscience Ireland was responsible for auditing four operating mines, to independently assess if international companies are meeting best practice, to advise EIB and Malian government on findings:
- Financial & metallurgical accounting;
- Geological and mining engineering practices;
- Environmental management & rehabilitation;
- Social impact and community enterprise policies;
Each segment included field visits to audit the facilities and discuss outcomes with management and local community representatives, as part of independent verification of data. Capacity building of Ministry staff was undertaken, including workshops and on-the-job field training in technical, social, environmental aspects.
Geoscience Ireland Contact
Dr. Deirdre Lewis –