West Cumbria Water Supplies | Geo Drilling Solutions
Project Title
West Cumbria Water Supplies | Geo Drilling Solutions
Wigton, Cumbria, UK
Farrans Construction/United Utilities
Business Sectors
Infrastructure/ Water Resources
Services (Technical Disciplines)
Geo Drilling Solutions (GDS) was approached by Farrans Constructions to provide a technical solution to install a 500mm Pe watermain beneath a river and road along the Williamsgate to Quarry Hill Pipeline in Cumbria.
GDS reviewed the environmental, archaeological and geotechnical constraints on site. All available trenchless technologies were assessed both commercially and technically.
Design drawings were drafted.
Post tender GDS reviewed the submissions both technically and commercially.
Project Objectives/ Outcomes
Review the feasibility of two trenchless crossing along a cross-country pipeline and propose a methodology.
Horizontal directional drilling was proposed and both crossings were successfully completed by a 50-ton all-terrain drilling rig
Our Role
- Complete a feasibility report.
- Commercially and technically review tenders submitted from specialist drilling contractors.
Geoscience Ireland Contact
Niall Meehan – niall@geodrillingsolutions.com