Addis Ababa City Eastern Sewerage Catchment | Nicholas O’Dwyer
Project Title
Addis Ababa City Eastern Sewerage Catchment | Nicholas O’Dwyer
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Addis Ababa Water and Sanitation Development & Rehabilitation Project Office (AAWSA-PO)
Business Sectors
Water Resources
Services (Technical Disciplines)
- Feasibility
- Preliminary Design
- Detailed Design
- Tender Dossiers
- Construction Supervision
Project Objectives/Outcomes
Feasibility Study, Tender Document Preparation for Design-Build-Operate (DBO) of the Waste Water Treatment Plant, and Supervision for the DBO; Feasibility Study, Design, Tender Document Preparation, and Supervision for the Construction of the -Sewer System (Design-Bid-Build=DBB) Tendering and Evaluation of Tenders of the DBO and the DBB project Work Supervision of construction, and Operation and Maintenance service of WWTP for five years.
Our Role
- Feasibility Study for sewering 150km² of city catchment serving 33% of Addis Ababa
- Detailed Design of the sewer network and WWTP
- Preparation of Bidding Documents and Evaluation Assistance (FIDIC Gold and FIDIC Red)
- Construction Supervision
- Supervision of Operation & Maintenance of WwTP
Geoscience Ireland Contact
Michel Davitt (