Lusaka Sanitation | Nicholas O’Dwyer
Project Title
Lusaka Sanitation | Nicholas O’Dwyer
Lusaka, Zambia
Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company Limited
Business Sectors
Water & Environment
Services (Technical Disciplines)
- Construction Supervision
- Construction Management
Project Objectives/Outcomes
The Lusaka Sanitation Program aimed to increase access to sustainable sanitation services to Lusaka’s residents especially the urban poor and strengthen Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company’s (LWSC) capacity to manage sanitation services.
The program aims to address one of Zambia’s most binding constraints to economic growth through infrastructure investment in Lusaka, the rapidly urbanizing capital.
There were 3 components to this project:
1) CSE-08: Collection System Expansion Emmasdale and Chaisa, Ngwerere Sewershed – Construction of 18 km of gravity sewers of diameter 160 to 500mm.
2) CSE-23: Collection System Expansion Kafue Road, Manchinchi Sewershed – Construction of 10 km of sewers of diameter 160 to 500 mm and 3 No. pump stations and provision of access to sanitation to 132 No. commercial enterprises.
3) CSU-05: Upgrade of Ngwerere West Interceptor, Ngwerere Sewershed – Construction of 4 km of sewer interceptor of varying diameter.
Our Role
- Design Review
- Redesign of sewer system
- Contract Management
- Construction Supervision
- Finanical Management and Claims Management
- Quality Control
- Environmental and Social Monitoring
- Defects Liability Monitoring
- Review of Operation and Maintenance Manuals
- Review of As-built Drawings
Geoscience Ireland Contact
Michel Davitt –