Monrovia Raw Water Pipeline Project | Nicholas O’Dwyer
Project Title:
Monrovia Raw Water Pipeline Project | Nicholas O’Dwyer
Monrovia, Liberia
Business Sectors:
Water Resources
Services (Technical Disciplines):
- Detailed Design
- Procurement
- Construction Supervision
- Capacity Building
Project Objectives/ Outcomes:
The objective of the Project was to replace the raw water pipeline from the dam at the Mount Coffee Hydro Power Plant (MCHPP) to the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) serving Monrovia. During the pre-civil war period, there were two raw water supply sources feeding the WTP: a) A 42-inch intake pipe and lift pumps on the St. Paul River where the WTP is located. b) A 36-inch ductile iron pipe (DIP) that transmitted water by gravity from the dam at the MCHPP to the WTP. In the 1970s, the gravity pipeline was installed to replace the 42-inch intake at the WTP due to saltwater intrusion at the river intake.
The proposed pipeline route was approximately 5 km long and generally followed the original alignment of the pipeline with small deviations. Replacement of the river intake pumps with gravity flow through the new pipeline will reduce energy use at the WTP. In addition, the improved reliability of the raw water supply to the WTP will result in more consistent water supply to the LWSC service area. MCA-Liberia procured a Works Contractor for executing a design-build contract following FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build 1999 (“Yellow Book”), MCC’s Environmental Guidelines and the IFC Performance Standards.
The Scope of Works comprise all Works (detailed design, manufacture, supply, erection, construction, installation, testing, commissioning and training) necessary for the Works Contractor to design and construct fixtures, fittings, and equipment for the Works to be fit for conveying water from the MCHPP reservoir to the WTP.
Our Role:
- Review of Tender Documents including Drawings, Specifications, Modifications to Conditions of Contract (FIDIC Yellow Book)
- Preparation of Contract Documents, Tender Evaluation and Recommendation of Preferred Bidder
- Construction Management including; Review of Contractors Proposals Management of Variation Orders Commissioning Certification Interim and Final Valuations Dispute Resolution
- Construction Supervision (FIDIC Yellow Book)
- Defects Liability Monitoring
- Capacity Building / Training (with emphasis on FIDIC Yellow Conditions of Contract)
Geoscience Ireland Contact:
Michel Davitt –