Scoping Study to identify viable initiatives to assist Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and communities adjacent to the Mining Sector
Mining is one of Mongolia’s emerging economic activities. Geoscience Ireland helps small & medium sized enterprises to develop products and services for that sector.

Training/ Re-Training is a critical element of Mongolia’s development plans in the post-Soviet era – Erdenet Technical University
Project Title
Scoping Study to identify viable initiatives to assist Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and communities adjacent to the Mining Sector
International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Business Sectors
Mining & Minerals
Services (Technical Disciplines)
- International Development
- Environmental & Social Impact Assessment
- Geology & Mining
Project Objectives
The mining sector is critical to Mongolia’s developing economy, and the project objectives sought to identify and strengthen the role of local SMEs in the sector’s growth and sustainable development.
Our Role
Through extensive consultations, Geoscience Ireland identified ways to support SMEs providing products and services to mining operators and/or the sector’s supply chain, contributing to sustainable development and ‘backward linkages’ of mining, including a review of potential new opportunities for SMEs.
GI developed a “blue print” for an IFC assistance implementation program, including project design, projection of impact, management structure, estimate of timing, duration and cost.
Geoscience Ireland Contact
Dr. Deirdre Lewis –