Solid Waste Management: Provision of Preliminary Capital Investment Screening Options
SLR was commissioned to examine three governorates in northern Jordan with a view to identifying waste management projects that could be considered as investment opportunities
Project Title
Solid Waste Management: Provision of Preliminary Capital Investment Screening Options
European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Business Sectors
Waste Management
Services (Technical Disciplines)
The EBRD is working with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs of Jordan to find appropriate solutions to address critical solid waste management issues across the country. The issue is complicated by the influx of refugees from regional conflicts, as well as scavenging and lack of recovery and recycling facilities.
SLR provided solid waste management planning and strategy expertise, hydrogeology and cost consulting.
Project Objectives/Outcomes
SLR was commissioned to examine three governorates in northern Jordan with a view to identifying waste management projects that could be considered as investment opportunities for the Bank, while delivering socio-economic benefits to the regions.
A range of integrated, costed and screened options for waste management investment were presented for consideration. Each option presented clearly defined risks, socio-environmental and economic benefits, and projected rate of return on investment.
Our Role
SLR researched and provided strategic waste management screening options to the Client that aim to deliver improved environmental and socio-economic outcomes for the target municipalities at defined rates of return on investment.
Geoscience Ireland Contact
Deirdre Lewis PGeo EuroGeol – /