Geoscience Ireland (GI) to lead Geothermal Market Study Visit to Canada
As part of the GEO ENERGY EUROPE GEE2 Project, Geoscience Ireland (GI) will lead a Market Study Visit (MSV) focused on Geothermal Energy in Canada between 5 and 15 June. The MSV will include the Global Energy Show in Calgary, followed by the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) Convention in Toronto. GI along with other GEE2 members from Hungary, Turkey and Italy will engage with Canadian counterparts in assessing opportunities for collaboration.
The EU sponsored GEE2 metacluster of over 600 companies brings together the European know-how, technologies, and experience in geo-energy, with an emphasis on its SME’s offering with a focus on deep geothermal energy.
As part of the programme and in conjunction with the PDAC event, Geoscience Ireland will host a Market Visit seminar on behalf of GEE2, at starting at 14:00. on Monday 13th of June.This afternoon event is scheduled to take place in the Chi Meeting Room, Executive Hotel Cosmopolitan , a short distance from the MTCC (PDAC Convention), Toronto. Further details from