Geoscience Ireland (GI) welcomes Geothermal Energy Advances
Gesocience Ireland (GI) has actively participated in a number of recent events outlining progress in Geothermal Energy. In September, the European Parliament considered the the topic, hearing presentation for the Commission, EP Rapporteur Professor Z Krasnoderski and speakers from the main political groupings. Widespread cross party support for the sector was evident, with a clear understanding that comprehensive and freely available subsurface data is a prerequisite for de-risking projects and noting the important role of Geological Surveys in this regard. This month, the Parliament’s Energy and Industry Committee (ITRE) further discussed the sector and heard representations from the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) of which GI is a member. A Plenary Session of the Parliament is scheduled for January 2024.
Also during the week 9-13 October, Dublin was host to the National Geothermal Summit organised by Geological Survey Ireland (GSI) which heard of progress in policy and regulation, district heating projects at Trinity College Dublin and the University of Delft, demonstration projects in Northern Ireland and exploratory drilling by GSI. EGEC outlined some EU developments, including the Olympic Village in Paris and the adoption of easier permitting arrangements in Germany. The creation of a Dublin Geothermal Energy Working Group announced at the Summit includes representatives of the Health Sector, Local Authorities, Universities, the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland and chaired by GSI.
GI companies participating in the Geothermal Summit were Priority Drilling, ARUP, JB Barry, iCRAG, IE Consulting and GDGEO.