Geoscience Ireland Members Report Increased Turnover and New Jobs in 2021
In 2021, Geoscience Ireland’s (GI) 41 member companies had a combined turnover of €1.313BN delivered by 5,045 employees. Compared to 2020 ,results indicate an increase in turnover of €82M (+6%) and a net 366 new jobs created (+8%). In 2021, 38% of turnover was generated outside Ireland (2020=44%). SME companies accounted for 48% of Turnover.
Commenting on the Survey, Sean Finlay of Geoscience Ireland (GI) said;
“The significant increase in turnover and employment by GI members in 2021 reflects the strong recovery in the infrastructure, energy,water services and raw materials sectors and demonstrates GI’s continued successful focus on job creation driven by developing business in international markets. GI is supported by Enterprise Ireland (EI), the Department of Foreign Affairs and Geological Survey Ireland. The strong performance of GI members aligns with the recent record results from Enterprise Ireland which reported that EI supported companies reached record levels of job creation in 2021 of almost 12,00 net new jobs and an increase in exports of 12% .”