Strong Performance by Geoscience Ireland (GI) Members in 2022
A Survey of Turnover and Employment of Geoscience Ireland (GI) member companies for 2022 demonstrates their continued success in creating high value, export-oriented technology-based jobs.
GI’s members enjoyed a cumulative turnover of €1.17 Bn, an increase of 13% compared to 2021, while the number employed in 2022 was 4,481, an increase of 365 new jobs, up 9% compared to 2021.
85% of GI’s 35 members are SMEs. 65% of them are based outside Dublin.
Commenting on the data, GI director Dermot Duff said ;
“ In 2022, GI members continued the strong recovery started in 2021, with job gains every single day, and with an increase of 13% in turnover.
Geoscience involves the delivery of projects in raw materials, energy, water and infrastructure and is a key element in sustainable development and in sourcing critical materials.
GI is a successful business cluster supported by Enterprise Ireland and is an important contributor to the continued success of its members.”