GI Participates at UK AMP7 Seminar
Enterprise Ireland hosted a seminar on supply chain opportunities for Irish companies who are considering entry into the English and Welsh water sectors. The UK’s Asset Management Plan for 2020-2025 (AMP 7) is valued at £51 billion.
The event was attended by a number of UK water companies including United Utilities, Anglian Water, Bristol Water, Northumbrian Water, Welsh and Severn Trent. GI member companies who participated in the seminar in London, 5 March, include ByrneLooby, FLI Water, FLI Carlow, FLI Water, JB Barry, Compass Informatics, Nicholas O’Dwyerand TOBIN.
Since the privatisation of many of the UK’s water regions, utility (water) companies submit proposed plans and budget spends, on a 5-year cycle, to Ofwat – the regulator of the privatised water and sewerage industry in England and Wales (Scotland and Northern Ireland remain public) – for review and approval. In December 2019, the water companies received Ofwat’s ‘Final Determination’ (link) which outlines the regulator’s expectations in the upcoming AMP 7.
Ofwat operates in the best interest of the end-consumer and the sustainability of the water sector. The regulator also outlined broader themes which the companies are expected to demonstrate namely: environmental excellence (net zero carbon by 2030), collaboration, innovation and strong customer service/ affordable bills.
Next Steps
Enterprise Ireland (EI) and GI continue to work with their respective clients and members in the sector and identify methods of collaboration and innovation within the UK supply chain.
GI members have expertise in water, wastewater, remediation, drilling, engineering and surveying, and continue to deliver projects in Ireland and the UK; GI member companies have also delivered water projects in East Europe, West Africa and the Gulf (case study link). GI also works with a number of Irish research bodies and centres in the area of groundwater, geotechnical engineering and drilling.
EI has published a comprehensive overview of supply chain opportunities: “An Overview of AMP 7, the 2020-2025 Water Sector Investment Cycle in England and Wales“